Profile PictureJinxieWinks

Nine-Lives Ears & Tail

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Nine-Lives Ears & Tail

11 ratings


How will you choose to spend them.....?


✦ 24.1k Tris

  • Ears: 1.8k
  • Ears Accessories: 5.4k
  • Tail: 11k
  • Tail Accessories: 4k

✦ 27 Bones (Mergeable bones not counted)

✦ Base Colors:

  • Black
  • White
  • Red
  • Purple

✦ 3 Materials (Ears, Fluff, & Accessories)


✦ 3 FBXs (Ears, Tail, and optional tail without cinching)

✦ Blender Project File

✦ Unity prefab with Poiyomi materials and Physbones settings


✦ Compatible with Cicieaaa's Hair Texture pack

✦ Only TWO hair card textures are included in this package. You can download the rest of the pack completely FREE from Cicieaaa's store

Requirements & Suggestions

✦ A general knowledge of Blender and Unity.

✦ Poiyomi v9.0.54 or greater if you wish to use the included material

✦ VRC SDK v3.2.3 or greater(?) if wish you to use the included Physbone settings

Tips, Suggestions & Common Issues

✦ Decal support (Poiyomi) is REQUIRED for the subtle animal markings. That allows them to sit on top of Cicieaaa's hair card textures.

✦ Easily customize metal color within Unity. Check the included material for an example.

PLEASE take note of the transform exclusions in the included PhysBone prefabs. The ignore list will be blank if you copy/paste the component or
they will reference the wrong objects in the scene. I recommend manually replicating how I have set up my ignore lists for identical results.

Common Questions

The included FBXs are triangulated. Is this intentional?

Yes, this is so that the triangulation is same as it was when originally textured in Substance. The orientation/configuration of triangles can influence how a texture is mapped across its surface. Unmodified meshes can always be exported with the included Blender file by simply disabling the triangulation modifier before export.

What are PBR textures?

They're a collection of maps that aim to realistically simulate how light reacts with different surfaces. Those textures can be used in just about any 3D program that supports it. However, maps specific to Poiyomi's implementation are also included for convenience.

How do I correctly append the included Blender file?

Everything is organized into collections for convenience. So the process is as simple as File > Append > [Included .blend file] > Collection > Pick Optional Sub-Collection


✦ Hair texture - Hair Texture Pack Free by Cicieaaa#7777

Terms of Service

YOU ACKNOLWEDGE that you've read the requirements and have the appropriate skills or means to utilize the asset.

YOU MUST credit JinxieWinks and link to to this specific asset listing when using it in a commercial offering.

YOU MUST adhere to the restrictions of which ever license you buy. (e.g. Don't buy a personal license and put the asset on a commercial model)

DO NOT trade, redistribute or resell this asset separately.

DO NOT claim work as your own.

DO NOT price split assets.

NO REFUNDS on digital goods. Please read and watch all accompanying material on the listing to make an informed decision before buying.

About the Brand

Wunderwerks is an attempt to mesh creative wonderment with offerings that are clean, organized, and bespoke (i.e. something that just works!).

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